So, I promised I’d keep in touch better, and I haven’t, but this time there is a reason. Like I said before, last week I went to the Segou Music Festival. It was a lot of firsts. My first time to the music festival, my first time to Segou, my first time out of my region, my first time on an African bus, my first time camping. And I have to say, I survived quite nicely. I needed that vacation. I needed my friends and an escape from site. I traveled recovering from an upper respiratory infection, and with a swollen and bruised leg (more later). My fellow Goodfellas were impressed, which I calmly responded, “I came because I needed you.” I think I surprised them with the frankness and their inclusion in my decision to come. Anyway, I had an amazing time. I had great conversations, laughed, ate well. It was fabulous, and unfortunately my camera died in the middle of day two, but soon I hope to share some pictures. At least one of the fifteen I took of the Niger River and fishing that was not thwarted by the mass festival and all the tourists.
Segou Music Festival. Check. And well done.
Now I’m here in Bamako. Why you ask? Well, remember that leg issue I mentioned? Turns out elevating it just wasn’t enough and now I’m on multiple meds—blood thinners, antibiotics, vitamin B, ibuprofen, increased circulation—and not allowed to go back to site until everything is on the up and up. The good news is that the bruising is decreasing, so my leg is not black and blue. But, it’s still swollen. And my toes are tingly which isn’t a good sign about the circulation factor. On Monday I go back to the hospital for blood tests and then we will take it from there. I will be on blood thinners through the end of the week, so at the very least I’ll be here until then. Don’t fret, it’s not as painful as it was, just don’t touch it. Though, the fact that it’s not black and blue does decrease some of the sympathy, and therefore the willingness of other PCVs to give me the whole couch in the living room (what can I say, I’m willing to work the system!) but say blood thinners and you got them! I am in the sick room, which means a comforter and only one roommate instead of six. But since I have this time, feel free to write me emails about your life and what you’re up to since I currently have all the time in the world to read them.
In the meantime, I’m catching up on trashy magazines, episodes of Glee (can we just say how awesome the Valentine’s Day one was? I mean CMON!), and movies upon movies upon movies.
More to come as I know more. Until them, let the adventures of med hold continue.