Monday, February 28, 2011

and the oscar goes to...

one of the best things about oscar night is the fashion...i mean, let's be real, it's a huge part of what everyone is talking about the day and weeks after. so last night has come to a pleasant close and now what everyone wore is the hot topic. 

here are my favorites (seriously, anne hathaway's lavin tux...SHUT UP). mila, cate, anne and hailee. classic chic with oscar night flare. so wonderful. 

any other stand outs that i should add to the list? 

good to be king...

it was a tough struggle to see who would surface as the academy's choice for best picture, but last night all bets were settled as steven spielberg announced the winner. 

it seems that it remains good to be king

the film also won best actor, best director, and original screenplay. 

and can i just say i am so in LOVE with colin firth? i love him in this movie, love the way he talks about his wife, and fell in love with him in his last movie (which got him an oscar nod as well). 

was last night a good one for your favorite?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

music time!

one of my favorite things about my job(s) are the people i get to work with. they are marvelous. smart, funny, driven, and always keeping me on my toes. as a music generation, they always seem to be ahead of me in this department. so today, it was of no surprise that i find a new anthem.

i really like this song, not just for the adorable men and honest lyrics, but for the blending of artists and genres. a total joy to the ears. and something to bob up and down to.

thoughts? what other music have i been missing out on?

Friday, February 25, 2011

oh, hello weekend

i've been really lucky this week and gotten some much needed time off. (my own spring break if you will.) so in my head, it seems as though the weekend just snuck up on me! 

so here is what i've been up to, what i've been reading, watching, obsessing over...

the above (minus male counterpart) is what i've been doing lately. such an adorable print, how great would it look over a bed?

i want a boyfriend like this. like for real. 

finally talked my mom into being my date to the theatre...again. i've officially seen 7 of the 10 best picture nominations!! (such a wonderful film!)

new website! certainly adding this to the list of sites to check regularly. 

just finished this (so now i can see the movie) so i started a new one (just before it becomes a movie)

fashion week with my favorite designs and magazine.

sneak peak! oh la love!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

wild(e) love

Men always want to be a woman’s first love. Women have a more subtle instinct: What they like is to be a man’s last romance. --Oscar Wilde

true story right? my mom is reading a super cute book about husbands and wives and this quote was above one of the chapters. something about it is sticking with me. something about expectations and desire. something about emotion and love as the biggest and baddest four letter word. 

something to think about. to sigh heavily over. perhaps to agree wholeheartedly and smile over. 

and when all else fails totally adore this picture

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

everyone needs a little...

i was on the phone with five today trying to give advice about surviving college, giving him the duad mantra of just breathe, when he said, ever so wisely "and same to you my dear. don't get too ahead of yourself." (he really does talk like that sometimes)

it struck me that as i was totally in the zone amidst my big sister advice lecture, my brother was totally right. 

so i'm stepping back. taking a little time. to hope. to breathe. to be. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


once upon a time there was a girl. she was strong and ambitious. she was shy and sometimes very funny. she had few friends and the ones she did have were lovely and she cherished them like gems. she had fight and spunk and seemed to know exactly what she wanted. 

lately all i seem to dream about is that girl. an ideal version of a character i know, but that doesn't change the fact that with the heavy dose of reality the past year has given me, i've begun to feel lost, rambling in the world of virginian suburbia. i'm pushing away people i love and huddling in the corner, hiding. 

i obviously have a lot more to learn. there is a reason for it all, all the confusion, the wondering, the lost-ness...

so right now i'm going to breathe. to hold on tight to those who won't leave me. to continue. 

i'm searching. looking. hoping. praying. 

anyone else out there feeling it?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

do you like my party hat?

i've never been one of those women who ever wanted to be anyone's princess. but that certainly doesn't mean i don't appreciate one when i see it. 

plus, couldn't everyone use a little magic? and a crown never hurt...

what's your magic?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

one foot in spring

journey is the destination

aren't these just adorable? with the weather freakishly warm for february i've been spending all my free time fretting over what to wear, which of course leads me to window and online shopping. so it was really only a matter of time before i came across the new styles for spring over at TOMS shoes.

 i'm totally digging on the elephants. i mean where would i add safari animals in my outfit if not on my feet? (plus, they're vegan shoes which adds to my attempt at being cool and socially conscious. kudos)

and i like to think that my spring motto should be as the first shoe states....journey is the destination. 

pearls o' wisdom, eh?

Thursday, February 17, 2011


have you seen it? oh, you must. totally worth the hype. natalie portman is worthy of all the awards. all the accomplishments. 

if you're dark and twisty you will totally get it. if you're one of those people who gets lost in your own thoughts, it will feel like a mental roller coater. 

add it to the list of things to do before oscar night. 

go. right now. tootles. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

new! new! new!

i have a new find! have you ever heard of the graffiti artists banksy? (thanks to a co-worker, i've been pouring over his website all afternoon.) turns out he is a british outdoor artist as seen in the photos above. and i'm totally and completely in love. 

graffiti, when done as a street art, is a statement of visual culture. it's a conversation between the people and their society. 

and it's freakin' amazing. 

banksy is also the mastermind behind this oscar nominated film causing quite the stir in the art and film world. i personally think it is all something worth checking out. 

i find graffiti really intelligent and politically charged. it's modern art at its core. and the fact that it's controversial adds to its allure...

what are your thoughts? have any favorites?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

spring flings

spring 2 entered the women's section of the store today and i got really excited. it got me more excited about what is to come. 

spring is going to approach no matter what i think. i'm a winter person. i like to dress in layers and wear dark colors and drink hot chocolate. 

spring is a different story. there is a shedding of not only wool and layers, it's a letting go of something else...maybe something more important. 

i've been thinking about what i want to accomplish this spring. what sort of personal spring cleaning needs to happen. i really want to look back on this year and think about as the year that things happened. the year i got things done. 

hopefully it will mean a job, a place of my own, a chance to learn more and be better. 

i'll have to get more tangible ideas flowing. 

what about you? what do you hope to be and do?

(ps...don't you love the maxi dress? i'm certainly looking into what it will look like on my shorter frame.)

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy hearts

happy valentine's day lovebirds!

beside the usual romantic goodies of the day, today is (drumroll please!) the unveiling of bhldn! you are all excused to leave this site immediately to check it out. though, i am warning you, it's a busy place to be!

as soon as i woke up this morning i ran to my computer (whom i affectionately call walter) to check it all out. i wanted to see, for sure, if the hype really matched reality. 

and yeah. totally perfect. 

the dresses. the shoes. (omg. the shoes) the pictures all around. 

swoon. again. 

these three are my favorites. totally different, but for some reason perfect in every way. 

one of my favorite aspects of the site is the explore section. it really speaks to the newly engaged, trying to provide a little guidance into the wedding world. i really liked the "what kind of bride are you" section. it's like a personal shopper right at your fingertips. even for just the hopeless romantic, it's a cool place to get a sense of personal style and taste. 

i'm sure i'll be posting more pictures from the site soon. 

for now...behold

Sunday, February 13, 2011

paris holds the key to my heart

when i was 16 i went to france. i spent nine days with my french class galavanting around the country ending our trip with three days in paris. 

you may now be jealous. ;)

i happen to come across this photo and with valentine's day closely approaching, if i were to have one wish, i'd want to be right on this street. wearing black and channeling my inner audrey

i'd certainly like to spend a lazy sunday afternoon there. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

mood lighting

five is totally into architecture. he's my go to source for all things cool in the design world. so it should come to no surprise when this appeared front and center on my facebook page. 

i should preface this my saying that we are both lighting freaks. five loves LOVES his chandeliers. we could talk about spacial lighting for a long time. one of my favorite parts of new york is the lighting district in soho. to me lighting can be a continuation of art...for five it's as much an architectural statement as an art piece. 

functional art has certainly come a long way. 

(ps...the top one is my favorite. the bottom two are five's favorite)

it all does certainly put the mood in mood lighting. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

gleek out

one of my guilty pleasures is most definitely watching glee. on a regular basis. and then the guiltier pleasure is continuing to watch my favorite songs on youtube. over and over agin.

so this week i was totally excited that there was a new glee episode after the superbowl on sunday (the highlight of the day...even as a packers fan i didn't really find this year's game to be edge-of-the-seat-excitment) AND a new tuesday episode.


i love it. love the actors. love the songs. love the couples. (c'mon finn! go with rachel!) some may call it cheesy, others totally unlike high school, but really, it's just honest fun with some truly honest coming of age stories along the way.

"marry you" from finn and kurt's parent's wedding is one of my favorites.

any other gleeks out there with some top picks for best song?


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

oh la la

Picasso (c) Yousef Karsh

i received an email from savoy today announcing the opening of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) exhibition on Picasso. after i screamed for a hot second i got to the details. it opens NEXT WEEK! February 19 thru may 15.  the exhibit will show "masterpieces" from the National Museum in Paris.

i'm so excited. i love modern art and adore picasso.

look out for more about this!

check them out! you must read the detailed description. it will make everyone come to richmond!

Monday, February 7, 2011

monday blues

sometimes even on a day off, it's nice to dream of sunny days.

mom and mine trip to california is one of the best memories i have. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

a saturday of the week


there is something about this song that oozes weekend loveliness. it makes me want those faded jeans and a bike ride on an old southern dirt road.

just another song i like to sing to at the top of my lungs.

Friday, February 4, 2011


AHHHH!!! ok, ok, so i know that there have been a ton of posts recently on fashion pictures. but tis the season of early spring, so sometimes you just have to throw up your hands and "c'est la vie!"

i was checking my email only to find a sneak peak into the world of bhldn, anthropologie's new line of wedding loveliness. with these pictures, i am so glad to be single because my wedding will certainly include this lace. and gloves! way to bring back some class. elegance. 

i'm totally having an audrey hepburn moment. 

the official opening is february 14 so be on the look out for my clips on that (you know i'll be on that like white to wedding dress). 

i am just so excited. i could use some timeless luxury in my life. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

i want to be her!

in my wildest dreams i don't look this good. this is the most exotic, beautiful woman and outfit i may have ever seen. 

and can we please discuss the turban? i SO want to be able to rock that look. i don't think i could pull it off (not that cool)...does anyone have any good ideas on how to make it work?

maybe i could do a really thick headband. 

i want to be her. 


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

what bobby found

my brother sent me a link to one of his new favorite places. a spot for minimalist design. bobby is a architectural fiend. a lover of all things design and space, he is always aware of where he is and the space surrounding him. 

i really enjoyed his find and thought i just thought i had to pass it along. the lighting section is marvelous and super chic. 

i'm going to continue to post new finds from this fun discovery. for the moment enjoy the clock. 

the website states: Soft Clock designed by Myznik Egor helps us to reconsider time as a non-stop rush and allows admiring every minute. Soft Clock is rather an incessantly twisting art-object than a proper instrument for time measurement. This futuristic timepiece may be of any form and color.

sounds completely like something i would love. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

new find!

if you flirt with the blogosphere of style, fashion, and lifestyle these days you might have found what i did. there is a lot of talk about etsy. i've been on a couple of times, but never been as obsessed as other people i've heard about. until now. 

i first heard about just a little ditty through cramer photo. i found the photos so endearing i had to learn more. one thing led to another and i just really want one! they are adorable. and i have so much crap (as i've previously mentioned) i could always use a little bag. plus, there is something romantic about a special bag for special things. 

so now i'm online shopping always making sure that this one is always there. it's both bright and cheery and yet also, owl eyes are a little dark and twisty, which is perfect for me.

happy shopping!

anyone else have etsy obsessions?