Thursday, March 24, 2011

nobody's princess

most girls dream about being a princess, and unless your name is currently kate, the princess title is something left to the fairy tales. yet, we all still dream. 


i was at dinner with my sister tonight and we got started talking about disney, princesses, and real life. we were talking about being a real princess and what would mean, and how girls today strive for the "fairy tale." and really, the conversation lead to each of us saying that in no life would we want to be a princess. not the disney version, the windsor version, or the my-boyfriend-treats-me-like-his-princess kind. 

maybe it's because we are 21st century girls. maybe it's because our mom was a single parent a lot of time was our dad was away on deployment. maybe it's because my sister and i love mulan versus cinderella. we want more than anything else to be an equal. intellectually, emotionally. relationships work best when entered in by two complete people, not someone needed completion...right?

so we don't want to be no one's princess, but that doesn't mean we don't want a gentleman. we want the guy to open the door for dinner and then not order for us. i am just really against being adored versus being loved. 

this begs the question...where do you draw the line between the fairy tale and real life? a gentleman versus a prince? chivalry versus equality? is the 21st century girl asking for the best of both worlds and is that even possible?

(but even i would totally dig the castle. holler)

ok, so that is way more than one question. but what do you think?

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