Wednesday, June 6, 2012

where exactly am i again?

so i had a wild hair about a week ago and decided that armed with a new job starting this fall and a snazzy new camera named penelope, i was going on vacation. and while vacation alludes to fun in the sun it was a very adult decision; this was my money and my time and shortly after buying my tickets, i began to realize that i don't do spontaneous things for a reason.

but here i am, closing in on week one of my travels east. i'm visiting marcy, my dear from mali, and will leave saturday to invade savoy's space in charlottesville. from there we will see, maybe some time in c'ville, maybe more travels. there are several people i'd like to see before the fall when my time gets swallowed up by work. the goal is to make it back home in late july for my mom's BIG birthday (she's turning 25...duh)

so where am i? omaha, nebraska. in case you have no idea what that means, it's about center on the map of the US. seriously. it's the farthest west you can be in nebraska and in fact, i've also meandered in iowa too while i've been here. marcy and her father and grandmother have been fantastic hosts and i'll hopefully be able to show her around my home in the not to far away future.

but for now, here's a lot at what i've been up to. on my very own vacation. 

gas cans and john deere. can you get more country?
a "point" of interest...get it? 
they legit call them pastures. like in everyday conversation, "so i was out in the pasture when..." makes me giggle every time. 
omaha's cute little saying is "O! what a city!" 
marcy putting up with my camera always in her face 
MCCOY! one of the reasons i came to omaha when i did was to surprise this guy before he went off to save the world in kenya. 
see? i told you i went to iowa. one day i walked there via the Omaha Pedestrian Bridge 
being two places at once--my very own walk to remember moment
one of the goals of the week was to find marcy a park with a see saw. mission accomplished. 
i love roads. 
the village (turns out it's not big enough to be a town) of waterloo where marcy and her dad live. this is main street. seriously. i am not creative enough to make this up. 
turns out that flower setting really does come in handy when trying to capture both plants and butterflies. who knew?
one of my favorite things was our trip to the Scott Aquarium that's actually in the Omaha Zoo. so cool. i took a ton of pictures of that, here's my fish!

ok, so that's a little peak into it all. i'll keep everyone posted as my adventures continue. thanks for reading! happy wednesday!!

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