Tuesday, January 25, 2011

be the change

it's been two years. the crowds have disappeared. the bumper stickers are fading, some torn off for good, others fraying at the edges. we are now living our history. 

tonight was obama's state of the union address. i watch it every year. i find obama fascinating. he is engaging, strong, and sometimes funny (please tell me you didn't miss the salmon joke). no matter what your political affiliations, there is something awesome (in the truest sense of the word) in politics. in it working. in the always present fight to do what is right, to have the wisdom to admit faults and be humble in success. 

there has been a lot of grief given to obama about his campaign motto. change. change is a funny thing. the definition is to make the form or course of something different to what it would be if uninterrupted

that got me thinking. got me thinking of expectations. of the judgement of success. of people's perception of individual actions. 

Gandhi said, ever so infamously, Be the change you wish to see in the world...

shift direction. 
shift direction. on purpose. with intention. 

DC, January 2009

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