Monday, April 4, 2011

new hair, new me

don't you just love a little audrey? i think i could live my life according to audrey and do just fine. but in the meantime, i just may do my hair according to her and see where that gets me. 

with my move to mali coming within the eight week mark, i'm freaking out about the things i would...what i'm going to wear, how i can talk my parents into buying me as many pairs of TOMS as possible, fashionable luggage, hair, and hygiene. (and sadly, my concerns are in that order.) since it is most likely i am going to have to take bucket baths, long hair is not an option. who wants to deal with that nonsense! thus, i am getting all my courage up, going to my dear friend and hair stylist and asking for this audrey hairstyle from her lovely movie sabrina. i may not have those cheekbones, but i am going to give it a try.

what do you think? can i pull it off? would you have the guts to go this short?