Friday, May 25, 2012


so lately i've been a little obsessed about tattoos. both of my siblings have one (i'll have to take photos of those...) and i always thought i'd get one, i just haven't taken the plunge. right now though, i feel like i've caught the bug!

but what do you think...are tattoos a do or a don't? how do you feel about people who have them? do you have one? 

i mean, ain't he a cutie? a very stylish cutie of course. 
here are some of my faves: 
love the font and placement, image
something i need to remember. my mom says the balloon should be in color. image
and a bit o' color, image

check out this site too!

1 comment:

  1. ahhh, thanks love. you should send me pictures of your tat and i'l do an update!!! :)
