Wednesday, July 18, 2012


ok, i get it, i've been a little absent from the blog lately. admitting it is the first step, right? it was so bad that my computer kinda forgot i write a blog and it didn't show up on my favorites. heavy sigh. bad mary.
blog? man, i need to write something...
in the interest of proving that i still am here, still want you to read and follow my every whim, here are some of the things i've been doing lately. that is, here is my list of excuses for why numerous blog posts lay unfinished on my desktop and i continue to ignore them.

bobby on south mountain overlooking sprawling phoenix
i'm in PHOENIX! yay! i know i need to write about my charlotte, NC adventures (see above paragraph about unfinished blog entries) but i wanted you to know that i'm here pondering life with my fabulous brother who is entering his senior year at ASU. he's just a wonderful person and i am so happy to be mooching off of his hospitality and netflix account. 

my mamma and me in the courtyard of the tempe mission palms
my mamma came to visit! for those of you who know what my mom and i are like, you can completely understand why i have been absent. my mom and i are two peas in a pod, we are peanut butter and jelly, she is the cheese to my get my drift. basically, it was too short, but we managed to hit on all topics from what am i doing with my life, to the headlines in hollywood. she'll be back next week, thank the Lord! 

whew, and now, for the real time consuming stuff...some goodies i've found around the interwebs...

what i got to watch only minutes of while in the hotel room, but would watch all the time if i had HBO!

this may finally beat my $5 mali bag

love this outfit! love the blog. new find!

speaking of new blogs, check out this one and this one

i may no longer be a teen (holler) but i still totally dig this and respect these girls

still love this blog (savoy and i talk about joanna like we know her) and love these photos

still plugging away at this novel, maybe i'll finish before christmas

i KNOW HER! and she's just as awesome as she looks.

speaking of people i know, for your political side, or you should at least read this

have you heard of this? turns out it was the brain child of jef from the bachelorette (more on him later)

new favorite (which i found on VH1 and not on i guess some commercial somewhere)

just bought new shorts, which feel really short after having to cover my knees while in mali

finally saw this movie and this movie. both were wonderful. (confession: i kinda adore jesse eisenberg.)

now can you see how time has flown? jeepers, i'm exhausted again!

wait, you still want more writing?! how can it be?
anywho, happy interweb trails! i'm off to see if i can finish one of these posts staring at me from my desktop--i see you!

photos 1, 3, 4 from bobby; photo 2 from yours truly

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