Thursday, September 26, 2013

nothing to wear

I've been thinking a lot about fashion and style. I suppose some would say that is not unusual for me, but I guess I should say, I've been thinking a lot about my personal style. 

Personal style is hard. It's one of those things that I'm always surprised when someone says "Oh hey, I love your style!" My inner response is something resembling: 1. Quick! Without looking down...what am I wearing? 2. I have a style? 3. Does this more resemble UVA, NYU, or Virginia Beach? 

In that order too.

I tend to think of my own style as more erratic. Thrift store motorcycle boots, navy blue chinos, striped shirt with exterior zipper. That's what I'm wearing today. Yesterday I wore my favorite black dress (Target) with a big black belt (Banana Republic) with leg warmers and those same thrift store boots. 

Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to hard to get it all right. To express the right thing--whatever that might be. 

My closet is a little weird. It's not totally predictable. It's not all one thing--prep, urban, boho, beachy. It's an odd blend of all of it. It's Gap and thrift, Anthro and Target. 

Perhaps one day I will have a more definitive style. Something where I can say-- "Why yes, I have perfected the art of the city's tomboy style..."

But seriously, I doubt it. For at least right now I'm way too busy trying out different styles the same way I'm trying out different lives. Twenty something style for me is crazy and different and a mix. It's where I go to be someone different every day...

PS--Interested in my fashion inspiration? Check out my who/her board on pinterest!

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