Sunday, September 23, 2012

to my girls

In a matter of time you will be able to do all kinds of things. Someday soon you will be able to drive and vote, to stay out all night, and date whomever you want. Soon you’ll dance on tables just to say you did. You’ll drive in cars with boys and spend too much money on that dress. Soon your world will be bigger than this place. It will involve more people and more moving parts. There will be more to balance and more to care about. There will be great expectations and equally great disappointments. You will question everything, even the very thing you love.

Someday soon your present will be the future you dream of right now. That future that terrifies you, excites you, makes you happy and sad.

Your future is coming. Growing up is coming.
There is no stopping either.

So, at this very moment, don’t try. Don’t try to stop the tomorrows; don’t try to  over think the yesterdays.

Today, we live.

Embrace the curiosity, the confusion. Don’t dwell on what could have been but rather on what could be. Laugh harder with the friends you have. Dance to boy bands in your room with the volume up too loud. Go to class, do your homework. Remember to use your sharing skills. Relish what you can’t do because within those limits is a way of life and remnants of childhood. Get lost in your own drama. Make mistakes, there are plenty of them out there. Learn new things. Read cool books. Take risks. Be fearless.

There will be a moment when you realize that the real world is not a destination; it is right now and right here. This is the making of who you will be.

Do you dare to be the crazy, silly, talented, funny, kind, quirky, weird, affectionate, fantastic person you are right now?

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