Wednesday, November 3, 2010

...this is the beginning...

This is my first post. It's so exciting! I've done other blogs...blogs with friends, style tips...things I've forgotten and not followed through. But this is one that I want to see become something that means something. I think this need to talk to the outside cyber world comes from many places. For starters nowadays it seems like everyone has a blog, therefore, I follow a lot of them, and its amazing what they mean to people. I like reading what other people think, what goes on in the heads of people I know, people I admire.

Blogs are a little insight into the soul.

This is going to be me. I started thinking about this blog, nursing it into existence, a month or so ago. You see, I graduated college in May and moved back home because I had trouble finding a well paying job. So now I'm 22 and home with my parents and my 19 year old sister. If that doesn't lend itself to at least a reality show, it certainly deserves a blog! My goal is to be totally honest about this year through words and images. To share my artistic inspirations, creative impulses, and day to day thoughts.

So why "evergreen soul"? I put a ton of weight into titles. Titles to songs, books, articles, and now this blog. I wanted something to embody a peaceful ideal, a place of being. I love the smell of evergreens, the joy on Christmas morning, the silence of large forests, the image of sipping tea in the cold dressed in flannel. That comfort is what I wanted to invoke. And I hope that comes across.

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